Role Playing Games/Hyborian Nights/Worldbuilding/Religions

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Jhebbal Sag: Lord of Beasts[edit | edit source]

Jhebbal Sag[edit | edit source]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at augue elit. Pellentesque elementum posuere sem, nec volutpat velit sollicitudin vitae. Duis mollis in quam bibendum gravida. Sed euismod lobortis erat, vitae fermentum dolor tempor convallis. Integer pulvinar suscipit neque, id pharetra est consectetur nec. Quisque a tellus massa. Etiam at consequat felis, ac porta sem. Aenean semper, augue id consectetur bibendum, ex turpis consectetur dui, eu semper magna ex nec tortor. Praesent aliquet sagittis lorem, eu tempor tellus dignissim eget. Integer feugiat dignissim ex, eu ullamcorper metus posuere in. Proin dignissim malesuada urna eu tincidunt. Etiam feugiat condimentum dolor, eu pretium risus eleifend sit amet.

Brothers of Night[edit | edit source]

Jhebbal Sag has four sons who are colloquially known as the "Brothers of Night". Each had a beast shape except the youngest son. All the brothers were not fond of civilization and men.

Jullah[edit | edit source]

Jullah was the eldest and leader of the brothers. He took on the form of a gorilla, and was said to have lived on the moon.

Juok[edit | edit source]

Juok took the form of big cats.

Jhil[edit | edit source]

Jhil took on the form of a black raven, and was also known as the Harbinger of Fate. Jhil was said to spread fear and confusion in men.

Jhekre[edit | edit source]

The youngest son was Jhekre, who was the least favorite and did not get to claim a beast form. As such, he would take on the shape of any creature except man, as it was deemed the weakest.

Derketo: Mistress of Death[edit | edit source]

Goddess Derketo