Role Playing Games/Hyborian Nights/NPCs/Kosh

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Greyskinnedcreature (Small).png

NPC Information
Race: Berbalang
Class: ?
Gender: ?
Age: ?


A vile looking, grey winged creature that Faelyn and Diggs encountered at Wohdwa Palace. They find out that Kosh was summoned by the sorcerer Rashmi to do his biddings. Since Rashmi's death, Kosh has remained bound to the palace and unable to leave.

At his request, Faelyn and Diggs are able to find the amulet that's keeping him bound, and after setting him free, Kosh repays them by showing them Rashmi's secret laboratory. During the time he was spent trapped here in this realm, Kosh has been transcribing most of Rashmi's scrolls onto bone in order to preserve them.


Despite his scrawny looks, is a medium sized creature