Role Playing Games/Hyborian Nights/Locations/Lomar

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Lomar[edit | edit source]

Home to a proud and warlike people, the city-state of Lomar dominates the southern coast of the Kalayan Sea. Lomar’s warriors guard rich fields and rice paddies stretching for more than fifty miles across the western end of the Ghan peninsula, and its sleek dromonds patrol the waters for three days’ sail in all directions. Within the city walls, noble commanders practice their martial skills constantly, reigning over an elite class of free warriors who in turn control a large but docile population of slaves and servants. Monuments tower over each of the public squares in the city, commemorating more than two hundred years of military supremacy.

Lomar at Dusk.png


While the celebration of military triumph and the martial virtues lies at the center of Lomar’s public life, the city is more than a simple armed camp. Lomar is an important center of commerce, a gateway through which the tribes and settlers of the southern Kalayan highlands are linked to the great trade routes of the Inner Sea. Lomari merchants compete with traders from Quodeth, Ikath, and Droum for control of the valuable gold and ivory trades in the central Kalayan, and the city’s artisans produce exceptional woodwork and metalwork. Perhaps most importantly, Lomar is a city of laws. Most other cities in Thule are hopelessly corrupt and inefficient, but Lomari pride themselves on their honorable dealings and upright ways.

Lomar Map.png


  1. Sunset in Babylon By Raphael Lacoste
  2. Map/copied/cropped/taken from the Primeval Thule Campaign Setting book from Sasquatch Games. I claim no ownership, only used for game reference.