Role Playing Games/Hyborian Nights/Announcements

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January 26, 2020[edit | edit source]

Today's session will be postponed to a later TBD date while the GM prepares to make the upcoming episode totally awesome.

 Postponed to: 

December 14, 2019[edit | edit source]

We will be porting from Thule setting over to Conan as of next session on December 15, 2019. This change was made in consideration for our DM. The Primeval Thule setting only has a limited number of sourcebooks as compared to Conan. This migration will help make it less time consuming on our DM to prepare for each session (previously, they have had to come up with their own material based off the sourcebook) as well as allow for much more finer details in the game.

Noticeable change(s) that will be made:
 * Elves do not exist in the Conan setting. Thus, Faelyn will be converted to the Khitai race (as decided by the player) to fit the world of Conan
 * Campaign will be renamed from Primeval Thule to the Hyborian Nights: The Lomar Chronicles
 * Campaign name, banner, etc. will be changing accordingly
Changes that will be made but not documented in the wiki:
 * Languages known by the PC's
 * Faelyn will no longer know darkvision, as this skill isn't present in the Conan setting. He will downgrade to using torches instead
Things that will remain:
 * Druid spells for Faelyn
 * Types of animals Faelyn can turn into
 * City of Lomar
 * Current NPC's